Monday, February 18, 2013

Um, That's My Pillow

Every night, you throw your pillow on the ground and say you don't need one. And every night you end up on my pillow. I usually wake up with a kink in my neck from only getting to use 1/4 of MY pillow.

You're 4 years old. And you sleep with me still. I've tried to break the habit, but it has been such a battle. Basically I'm a quitter. I gave up.

Some nights I sure wish I could stretch out and get a solid night's sleep with the whole bed to myself. And some would say that I'm crippling your independence and enabling you and blah blah blah.

But most nights I'm thankful to have you so close. The doors are locked, I've got the heavy duty Mag light by the bed, and we're safe. I can protect you when you're this close. (Though let's be honest... what am I gonna do with a Mag light?)

Makes me wish you could always be this close. That I could always protect you.

I love the sweet giggles I hear every night and the sweet face I see every morning. And if you want to sleep in my room until you're 28, then so be it. You might want to rule out the idea of ever having a brother or sister though.

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