Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making New Friends :-)

Your Bedroom (more like a playroom)

This is what your room looked like when you were 3. You're 4-1/2 now, and it's still the same. We'll see how long we keep this going. Not that it really matters. You don't sleep in here anyway.

Every Toddler Needs Their Name on Their Wall, Right?

Here's a fun flashback to what your room used to look like. Ah, baby stuff. 

In case you turn into a crafty lil' momma someday, I'm sure you'll need to know how to do the following:

You're welcome.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Babysitting Gig

We sometimes get to babysit for this sweet little guy, Mason.
You love "taking care" of the baby :-)

And this is what can be find right outside their living room window! So pretty!

Young Life 5K

Yes, I did a 5K. No, I didn't run it. Gotta start somewhere, right?
Sophie: Please be a runner. It's so much easier to stay fit when you're a runner. Trust me on this one.

Playing Dress Up!

Ballerina Sophie!

Wearing Mama's lipstick :-)

Can't decide?

Yeah, sorry about this......

So Sleepy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Year pics!

Winter Time

Winter 2010-2011

Your Christmas Tree


Watching Sid the Science Kid with the cousins on your new DVD player

You and Uncle Adam

You and MeMaw

Blizzard 2011
Right before you wiped out!

Your First Snowman!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Free in October

"Sophie, how old are you?"

"I'll be Free in October." 

So cute!

The long-awaited Caillou cake!!!!!
Caillou shirt!!!

Birthday Part 2- Monkey Joe's!

It's the most wonderful time of the year... Fall

You loved riding the pony!!  So upset to have to get off!

A Sticky Situation!

It's never a good thing to have a bottle of syrup leak in your purse.

Never mind why I had the bottle of syrup in there in the first place... long story. Just call me Buddy the Elf, I guess.

Point is, I'll now be smelling maple syrup every time I put on chapstick, search for my keys, get out my wallet, etc. Not helpful in my efforts to LOSE weight!

Might be in the market for a new purse :-)

Lesson learned: Don't put syrup in your purse.