Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gregory Family Reunion

Lots of pictures here from the Gregory Family Reunion!
Fun weekend!

close-up of me, Ma, and you

Walking with Pa-Paw

Ramsey, Aunt Linda, and you
Water Balloon Game!

You were not thrilled about getting splashed!

Ma wearing your bows! You wanted everyone to see... you thought it was so funny!

Maddox, Ma, and you (saying "cheese")
The Gregorys
Bachtold clan
You, Liam, Maddox, and Maci

You and Dalton... buds this whole weekend!
holding hands!
Brant going down the big slide with you!
Taking a bath with Maddox and Maci... you weren't a fan of not having the whole tub to yourself! You didn't have room to swim back and forth like you usually do :-)Cousins
awkward smiles :-)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jr. Bix

You "ran" in the Jr. Bix this weekend. You love to run, and you love to race me in the front yard. I say, "Ready." And you say, "Set, Go!"... and take off running. The Jr. Bix race was Friday night, and you were talking about the "ace" all day.
Here we are waiting to run... see if you can find us in the crowd! Tons of people!!!!! There were two different heats of one years olds... thankfully!.... they would have trampled each other!!!
And we're off!!!!!

Surprisingly, after being so excited about the race, and talking about it all day... you fussed the whole time (all 70 yards of it!!!) I think you got overwhelmed by the crowd.

I was trying to get you to look at the camera, but you were just focused on the finish line! Eye on the prize.

So excited to get your medal!!!!

And then you didn't want to stop running!!!! Crazy girl!!! Fussed the whole race, but then wanted to do it again!
Showing off your medal! (Side note.... who ever decided that it's a good idea to have people say "cheese" when they're getting their picture taken? It doesn't produce a very good smile!!!!)

So proud of my Sophie-girl!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Growing too fast!

As I type this, I'm watching your video monitor....watching you sleep in your "big girl bed". Hard to believe!!! A sweet friend gave us a toddler bed. When she gave it to us, I planned to keep it in storage until you needed it, since you were still sleeping in your crib. Well, you had other plans!!! And voila.... you are now on your 3rd night sleeping in your big girl bed... so far so good! A little sad though...  growing up so fast!!! :-(

Watching pa-paw getting the bed ready.....

All set for your first night!

And while we're on the topic of her growing up... you're still doing well with the potty! Yay! You're definitely not potty-trained.... but you comes to us at least twice or three times a day to tell us you have to go potty, and then you do! So proud of you!!! You get so so excited too!.... and then has to get everybody to come look at it.... "Come see!!! Come see!"
Sweet Sophie girl!!!

4th of July

You were super excited about seeing fireworks!

30 seconds into the display....

About a minute later.....
:-) So sweet!

3 year old angel

Paige Miracle Keller would have been 3 on June 28. July 1 was her 3 year anniversary in Heaven. We went to Paige's grave on her birthday so you could give your big sister some flowers. We didn't get to stay long because you kept wanting to take toys off other babies headstones.... and you certainly didn't understand why you couldn't run over top of them!


We have been doing quite a bit of swimming this summer!

This last picture is us at your very first swim lesson. Here, you're practicing jumping in. You actually liked that part. Everything else about swim lessons?... not so much.

Who doesn't like a pb&j?

"They" say that a child will be more inclined to try a new food if it is cut in a fun shape. Well, for some reason, you don't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... I've never heard of a kid not liking a good ole pb&j. So, I used a cookie cutter to make the sandwich into a heart and then made a face out of strawberries... since you love strawberries

And just as I suspected.... you picked off the strawberries, ate them, and then handed me the plate saying, "I'm full, mama." Hmmm, well that didn't work!

I love Craigslist and Ebay!

I've had my heart set on getting you several things lately, but definitely haven't had the funds to match! However, I scour craigslist, ebay, and consignment stores quite often, and here are some of the great finds I've had this summer!!!! God worked out some pretty neat things to give us this stuff!
I've been checking stores and online for wagons all summer, but couldn't find one the right price. These go for over $100! Got this at Once Upon a Child for $35! Sophie loves it!

Been wanting a kitchen set for Sophie for a long time. Got a great deal on this, and it came with a table and chairs (which you can kind of see in the picture) as well as the whole set of pots/pans/food/plates, etc. We drove to Chicago to pick it up :-) Fun day road trip!
You are quite the hostess... constantly wanting us to eat something from your kitchen!

15 miles away from where we picked up the kitchen set, someone was selling this slide for super cheap. We bid on it from the van, won the bid, and picked up the slide on our way home.

Got this slide/cube off Craigslist... a little faded, but still in great shape.

Ok, so this wasn't one of my "finds". Actually, this was a gift... but you sure do look cute on your bike, don't ya think?

Friday, May 28, 2010

18 month pictures

Such a sweet face!

Counting the petals "One, two, shree"

I love this little girl!